Feb 2, 2010

Answers : there's not so much to say about how I work or my inspiration places, talking to much about this things can make them
loos their magic, anyway people always expect a better story than you actually have. I guess this is my way of thinking, in images,
so everything that happens to me or impress me from the outside I translate in to this and I have to admit that since I'm mostly
alone ,I love to make myself laugh...the materials that I use are very simple, cheap and often recycled, it's not only that i can't
afford better ones, it's also that i'm scared in front of a superpaper...so manly I use old papers, old magazines, self prepared
surfaces,things who carry a story of there own,random discussions
and maybe that' way my working space is usually a mes, I choose them usually because of the texture and ...
moment maybe
More important than the result(though a good result can be flattering) is my everyday work in the studio. I just need my routine...