Feb 28, 2010

for my mother who made and covered me in this blanket when I was born and connected my brain with my fingers, I'm sorry for
the times when I thought that this feature is a burden and for the future times when I will think that...this flower-star is for you.

Feb 25, 2010

working hard this week an a didactic coloring book for children, to make it a little less flat I started to play with patterns, it's fun!

p.s. about cutting paper I think it all started with my pop-up books...

Feb 23, 2010

Can't wait to start again some cutting and doing new paper cuts, I miss this...and I also got a new beautiful paper to try out.

Feb 19, 2010

Just got this prints of my drawings from Gerrit ( this was a nice surprise), you can see some of the beautiful things he does in his
letter press studio OFFICINA POLYCHROMA

Feb 14, 2010

till now things wore i the area of normality, now it starts to feel kind of lonely...

Feb 11, 2010

They are some of my first neighbors in the studio, now they all have a house of their own, guess I miss to come in the morning and
find them like this, I wonder if they are still in contact, I don't know, by letters or maybe phone when the owners are sleeping...

Feb 9, 2010

some mornings he l.ikes to take a walk with his dog beside him, smoke his pipe and pretending he looks at the pink mountain.

Feb 7, 2010

started a new pillow, this is the first personage ghost fox

Feb 5, 2010

Another result of my stain experience...yes!this is dust.Maybe I should clean up...or have more respect for my work, that is also
an option!

Feb 2, 2010

Answers : there's not so much to say about how I work or my inspiration places, talking to much about this things can make them
loos their magic, anyway people always expect a better story than you actually have. I guess this is my way of thinking, in images,
so everything that happens to me or impress me from the outside I translate in to this and I have to admit that since I'm mostly
alone ,I love to make myself laugh...the materials that I use are very simple, cheap and often recycled, it's not only that i can't
afford better ones, it's also that i'm scared in front of a superpaper...so manly I use old papers, old magazines, self prepared
surfaces,things who carry a story of there own,random discussions
and maybe that' way my working space is usually a mes, I choose them usually because of the texture and ...
moment maybe
More important than the result(though a good result can be flattering) is my everyday work in the studio. I just need my routine...

Feb 1, 2010

Love to be in the studio today, you can see the snow trough my studio window/door... still working on my stain collages,I enjoy
theprocess and what's coming out of this delicate shapes...

Mandy started an interesting project about Cluj in december, now you can allways check out the blog POSTCARDCLUJ